Health Data
Community health reports and data are essential to our Coalition’s ability to identify local health priorities and build a shared understanding of key health issues. Please get in touch with our CHI leads if you have community health data, information, and reports to share.
All Data Reports are below, to see a list of links to county health profiles, rankings, maps, and more, click “County Profiles”
2024-2025 Childcare Needs Assessment
In 2024, local childcare leaders dug into the questions of who needs childcare in Okanogan County, what kind of childcare is needed most, and what barriers keep us from bringing in the childcare resources local people are calling for. Their fulll assessment is linked here.
State of Childcare In Okanogan County
Coming into 2024, just 14% of the Childcare Need in Okanogan County for kids 0 - 12 is being met. Thousands of slots are needed to meet the real and growing need for affordable and reliable childcare in Okanogan County. Click below to find live data and dashboards on the state of childcare and early learning.