[10/26 CHI Meeting Announcement]

We hope you can join us for an excellent CHI meeting this coming Thursday, 10/26 from 12 - 1:50. This month, we'll be bringing in partners from Family Health Centers and the Okanogan Youth Leadership Council as well as a statewide reproductive healthcare expert for an important conversation about reproductive healthcare in Okanogan County. 

If you know of people connected to reproductive healthcare, school based health education, and more, please share this meeting invitation. We look forward to having you join us!

Zoom Meeting Meeting link:

Meeting ID: 851 4803 5548
Password: 225695
One tap mobile
+13462487799,,85148035548#,,#,225695# US (Houston)


[12/14/23 CHI Mtg: Supporting Local Homelessness Response]


[7/27 CHI Mtg Video] Housing & Point in Time Homelessness Count